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What is a Data Point Registry?

Data Point Registry defines a space of compatible DataPoints. Behaves as an Access Management smart contract responsible for creating, managing, and controlling access to Data Points. Multiple Data Point Registries can coexist under the Nexera Standard, and they allocates new Data Points to specified owners and manages administrative roles, ensuring that only authorized individuals have control over the Data Points. When a user allocates a Data Point, they can grant permissions to the desired Data Manager (DM) for asset management. If a change in DM implementation is required, the user can use the registry to assign permissions to a new DM and revoke access from the previous one if necessary.

Data Point Registry

Fig 1. Data Point Registry interaction with DataPoints.


1. isAdmin()

function isAdmin(DataPoint dp, address account) external view returns (bool);
Verifies if an address has an Admin role for a Data Pointdp: Data Point identifier
account: Account to verify
Boolean indicating if the account is an adminexternal

2. allocate()

function allocate(address owner) external payable returns (DataPoint);
Allocates a Data Point to an ownerowner: Owner of the new Data PointAllocated Data Pointexternal

Note: Owner SHOULD be granted Admin role during allocation.

3. transferOwnership()

function transferOwnership(DataPoint dp, address newOwner) external;
Transfers ownership of a Data Point to a new ownerdp: Data Point identifier
newOwner: New owner

4. grantAdminRole()

function grantAdminRole(DataPoint dp, address account) external returns (bool);
Grant permission to grant/revoke other roles on the Data Point inside a Data Index Implementationdp: Data Point identifier
account: New admin
Boolean indicating if the role was grantedexternal

5. revokeAdminRole()

function revokeAdminRole(DataPoint dp, address account) external returns (bool);
Revoke permission to grant/revoke other roles on the Data Point inside a Data Index Implementationdp: Data Point identifier
account: Old admin
Boolean indicating if the role was revokedexternal

Note: If an owner revokes Admin role from himself, he can add it again.


1. DataPointAllocated

event DataPointAllocated(DataPoint indexed dp, address owner);
Emitted when a Data Point is allocateddp: Data Point identifier (indexed)
owner: Address of the owner of the new Data Point

2. DataPointOwnershipTransferred

event DataPointOwnershipTransferred(DataPoint indexed dp, address previousOwner, address newOwner);
Emitted when ownership of a Data Point is transferreddp: Data Point identifier (indexed)
previousOwner: Address of the previous owner
newOwner: Address of the new owner

3. DataPointAdminGranted

event DataPointAdminGranted(DataPoint indexed dp, address account);
Emitted when Admin role is granteddp: Data Point identifier (indexed)
account: Address of the account granted the Admin role

4. DataPointAdminRevoked

event DataPointAdminRevoked(DataPoint indexed dp, address account);
Emitted when Admin role is revokeddp: Data Point identifier (indexed)
account: Address of the account revoked from the Admin role


1. CounterOverflow

error CounterOverflow();
Thrown when the Data Point allocation counter overflowsNone

2. NativeCoinDepositIsNotAccepted

error NativeCoinDepositIsNotAccepted();
Thrown when native coin is sent during Data Point allocationNone

3. InvalidDataPointOwner

error InvalidDataPointOwner(DataPoint dp, address owner);
Thrown when caller is not the owner of the Data Pointdp: Data Point identifier
owner: Address of the invalid owner

For more on Data Point allocation and the Registry's role, visit the Data Point Registry Contract Section.